Exploit Relationships
Oct 03, 2017
"Almost all of our relationships begin and most of them continue as forms of mutual exploitation, a mental or physical barter, to be terminated when one or both parties run out of goods."
- W.H. Auden 1907 - 1973: The Dyer's Hand (1963)
Relationships are key to almost everything in life.
They are a determinant of how well you live and with whom.
Relationships define us as human beings and our interactions with others have a way of introducing ease or difficulties in our lives.
Nurturing relationships in families, business and the workplace ensures the quality of such interaction.
Neglect it and the relationship suffers, enrich it and it flourishes.
Every successful union, be it nuptial, a business venture or familial requires a meaningful relationship. There must be benefits accruing e.g. the desire to start a family, the search for financial gains, the need to impact the world with some life-saving (or life-easing) product or service and the longing for a healthy relationship amongst siblings and relatives.
Even friendships need to have beneficial objectives, like the dullard in class befriending a brilliant chap so he can learn to improve; or the pretty undergraduate classmate being friends with a not so endowed lady, perhaps to maintain 'superiority'; or annoyingly, the ugly and daft ruffian being friends, or worse - dating the campus beauty queen that makes you wonder how the heck that happened in the first place...(What?! You never wondered? Really? Hmmm, ok o...)
Similar thoughts could cross some ladies' minds where they see that cute guy (I did not say fine boy, before someone starts shouting MONKEY!) dating someone they think is not up to their level either in societal status, physical 'assets' or both. ;)
The point is, everyone wants something from a relationship and as long as the intention is healthy for one or both of them, it is okay. Provided, of course, it is not detrimental to the other party.
Having said that, there are relationships you must avoid like ebola!
Toxic relationships that cause adverse effects in your life, where you are always at the receiving end e.g. marriages with one mentally or physically abusive partner. And don't make the mistake of thinking only women get abused - yes, husband beaters exist!
Anyway, enough said. What you should always do is:
- Review your relationships
- Ascertain what you want to gain from any relationship
- Nurture the relationship
- Abandon those relationships that offer pain instead of gain
- Engage in only meaningful and beneficial relationships.
Exploit relationships. That is what they are meant for.
What is your opinion of relationships? Please share...
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