The Infinite Storage of the Brain

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2017

I recall a certain semester during my undergraduate years at Bayero University Kano. I had allowed myself, yet again, to be swamped with a lot of studying to do and not much time to do it in. You know how that can be, right? Anyway, I was not looking forward to the inevitable 'crash programme' but it was either that or I 'crash land'.

Yes, I chose not to fail. So I studied like crazy!

It must have been after about three or four exams - with little sleep, plenty reading, cramming and pretending to understand - when all of a sudden I felt my brain STOP! It was no longer processing the much needed information; it was as if it was filled to capacity.

I could not understand anything - and I mean ANYTHING! To add to the pressure, I had another paper the next morning.

Subsequently, I got to understand that I was actually under extreme stress and my brain temporarily 'shutdown' to get some rest. Contrary to my earlier thoughts, my brain was actually processing information it 'needed' (which was rest) and not information I thought I needed (my books).

I took a nap and by the time I awoke, I could almost feel breeze rushing through my head. I felt refreshed and ready to GO!

As many of you would have guessed, there are two fundamental errors with my thinking back then. First of all, brains DO NOT STOP functioning unless one is dead (and I assure I wasn't), as a matter of fact it is said that a human brain remains functional a couple of minutes or so, after one is pronounced clinically dead.

Secondly, it is somewhat impossible to fill up the brain, according to neuro-physiological studies. The astounding storage capacity of our brain is such that even if it were fed ten items of data (where an item consists of a word and an image) every second for the next 100 years, it would still be less than 10% of its full capacity! Wow! Can you imagine that?!

Now how many of you have sometimes felt so stressed that you thought your head was filled to capacity?

How many of you feel you can not learn anything new because there is no space in your brain anymore?

What other instances make you feel choked up, crowded and maxed?

Drop a line and let me hear your thoughts on this and any related matter.



Global Accredited Mind Map Trainer

Founder, MindZone




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